Community Festivals

Community Festivals at Brooklyn Waldorf School
Performance at BWS
Brooklyn Waldorf School Activities

May Fair and Scootathon

On the first Saturday in May, the school gathers in reverence of spring’s arrival. Parents, faculty, and students join in a local park to picnic, weave flower crowns, and observe traditional Maypole dances. A schoolwide scootathon takes place the same day, adding a fun Brooklyn twist to this Waldorf tradition. See the full page here.

Winter Fair

Winter Fair is one of our most spectacular and well-attended community events. Our lower level transforms into King Arthur’s food court, and the rest of the school bursts with activities such as games and crafts. Families may also purchase hand-made gifts from our community members in preparation for the coming holidays. Stay tuned for our newly imagined Winter Fair plans for this year!

Grandparents and Special Persons Day

We honor and enjoy the presence of special non-parental persons in our children’s lives with our Grandparents and Special Persons Day.  Guests tour the school, attend class plays and our annual Spring concert.

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival marks the last of summer’s warmth and celebrates new beginnings. Grades children gather in observance at a local park with various festive activities, while younger children remain at school for seasonal stories and special activities.

Lantern Walk

Toward the end of autumn, early childhood and Grades 1 and 2 families and faculty gather at dusk to form a glowing procession lit by handmade lanterns and enlivened by festive songs. As the days grow shorter, our annual Lantern Walk serves to remind us of our enduring inner lights, which continue to shine through the changing of the seasons. Even on a chilly autumn evening, all those involved are happy to convene for such a warm and wonderful community event.